
Contestant Xiao Yuhao

Xiao Yuhao is in 56 place for Junior in the world rankings with the score of 3555

Xiao Yuhao is in 68 place for Kids in the world rankings with the score of 2015


Zahlen 5 Min200366WMCJ 2016336
Zahlen 60 Min1161359WMCJ 2016254

Binary Digits
Binärzahlen 30 Min1666357WMCJ 2015254

Historic Dates
Historische Daten 5 Min47331WMCJ 2016158

Spoken Numbers
Auditiv 1 Sec.46321WMCJ 2016288

Playing Cards
Karten unter 5 Min52 / 1:05 348WMCJ 2016268
Karten 60 Min520333WMCJ 2016421

Names & Faces
Namen 15 Min - inter.63300WMCJ 2016188

Wörter 15 Min88282WMCJ 2016435

Abstract Images​‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌​
Abstrakt 15 Min345572WMCJ 201659
contest series201620152014
World Memory Championship - Junior